Batch inserting records to a database

I was writing some code for a client that processed a csv file and inserted each row into a database, when there were a couple hundred rows the processing time was very quick, but when there are 8000 rows this can take quite a while even on a very fast database, so I wrote up some code to batch insert the records (which I’ve done too many times).

I was using MSSQL, so the max parameters I could send at one time was 2100 (210 rows x 10 columns), but your mileage may vary. I’d set rowsPerInsert as high as possible and decrease as necessary. You should be able to easily modify the pseudo code below.

  totalrows = 5000; // this would come from a structCount or something similar
  rowsPerInsert = 210;
  //this creates a struct with alternating values of true/false for test purposes
  stRows = {};
  for (i=1; i<=totalRows; i++) {
    stRows[i] = i MOD 2 ? true : false;
<cfloop from="0" to="#totalRows - 1#" step="#rowsPerInsert#" index="totalRow">
  <br><br>INSERT #totalRow#<br>
  <cfloop from="1" to="#rowsPerInsert#" index="indRow">
    <cfset rowNumber = totalRow + indRow>
    <cfif rowNumber LTE totalRows>
      #rowNumber# #stRows[rowNumber]# <!--- SELECT goes here --->
      <cfif indRow NEQ rowsPerInsert AND rowNumber NEQ totalRows> UNION ALL</cfif>

This is mostly for me to steal from myself once I need this again, but hopefully you find it useful as well.

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About Matt Busche

Software Engineer and Wheel of Fortune Expert If this article helped you, please consider buying me a book.

Des Moines, IA