I'm speaking at DevOpsDays Portland 2019!

I’m happy to announce I’ll be speaking at DevOpsDays Portland on September 12, 2019! The conference will be held at the Oregon Convention Center.

I’ll be giving a lightning talk on how you can quickly assess web performance in an application. I gave a similar version at DevOpsDays Des Moines, but this will be an improved version with actual working charts, lol

Registration is open now, so don’t delay in getting your tickets!

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I'm speaking at Prairie.Code() 2019!

I’m happy to announce I’ll be speaking at Prairie.Code() on September 13, 2019! The conference will be held at the Holiday Inn Conference Center near the Des Moines airport.

I’ll be speaking on Secure by Design and how you can ensure security throughout development of your application. I’ll cover some of the OWASP top 10, best practices, and things my team has implemented at work. I’ve given a version of this talk at Iowa Technology Summit, DevOpsDays Des Moines, and Connectaha, but this will be the best version yet.

Registration is open now, so don’t delay in getting your tickets. Once they’re gone, they’re gone!

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VS Code hide open editors pane

If you’d like to hide the open editors tab in VS Code, especially useful if you’re trying to open multiple files in a folder at once and it keeps pushing the list down, you can open up settings Ctrl + , and search for openeditors and set the number of editors shown in the open editors pane to 0.

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ColdFusion Removing duplicate values from a list

To get the number unique values from a list you can create a Java set, which does not allow duplicate values

createObject("java", "java.util.HashSet").init(listToArray(valueList(eventsQuery.event_id))).size();

The init values requires a list, so if you already have a list, you can just pass that in to return a Java set object. You will need to convert the set back to a list to make it easy to work with in ColdFusion although you could iterate over it if you’d like. Here’s the easiest version.

listWithDupes = [1,2,3,1,3];
noDupes = createObject("java", "java.util.HashSet").init(listWithDupes);
noDupesArray = createObject("java", "java.util.ArrayList").init(noDupes);
writeDump(noDupesArray); //returns 1,2,3

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Detecting a Credit Card number in a field using JavaScript

Given a field such as <input id="notes" type="text" names="notes"> You can detect a Credit Card number using the following in jQuery. This will detect 15 or 16 digit credit card numbers because of the d{3,4}. To only detect 15 or 16 change that to be only d{3} for 15 or d{4} for 16.

$('#notes').on('input', function() {
    const ccDetected = $('#notes').val().match(/\b(?:\d{4}[ -]?){3}(?=\d{3,4}\b)/gm);
    if (ccDetected) {
        alert('don''t use credit cards!');

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Update LibreELEC to version 9 for Kodi 18

Kodi version 18 has been released as has LibreELEC version 9.

If you’ve checked for updates on your Raspberry Pi and nothing is showing here’s the solution.

  1. Go to the LibreELEC Add-On
  2. Change Automatic Updates from Auto to Manual
  3. Enable Show Custom Channels and then disable it
  4. From the Update Channelmenu chooseLibreELEC-9.0
  5. Go to Available Versions
  6. Install 9.0.0 (or the latest)
  7. Turn Automatic Updates back on
  8. Repeat when LibreELEC version 10 comes out

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SurveyMonkey CX API call

SurveyMonkey has a great new API available that allows you to easily send someone an email programmatically. I ran into some hiccups while setting it up and there’s almost zero documentation out there.

Endpoint: This is provided at the end of setting up a survey. Should look like



name="Content-Type" value="application/json"
name="Authorization" value="Token token=#apiToken#"


    "person": {
        "email": "emailAddress",
        "first_name": "first name",
        "last_name": "last name",
        "fields": {
            "Custom Field": ["custom field value"]
    "delay": 0

The custom fields must match exactly what you put in your admin and you must pass it in as a list. If you don’t pass a list it won’t register. The delay is the number of days to delay sending the survey.

My full postman request is below with sensitive information redacted.

  "info": {
    "_postman_id": "d16018c3-53d9-4ebd-a47f-61a84505a04d",
    "name": "SurveyMonkey",
    "schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json"
  "item": [
      "name": "Survey Monkey",
      "request": {
        "method": "POST",
        "header": [
            "key": "Content-Type",
            "value": "application/json",
            "type": "text"
            "key": "Authorization",
            "value": "Token token=${apiToken}",
            "type": "text"
        "body": {
          "mode": "raw",
          "raw": "{\r\n  \"person\": {\r\n    \"email\": \"email@gmail.com\",\r\n    \"first_name\": \"First\",\r\n    \"last_name\": \"Last\",\r\n    \"fields\": {\r\n      \"Products\": [\"Acme M500\", \"Acme B7500\"]},\r\n  \"facets\": {\r\n    \"Job ID\": \"1234\"\r\n  },\r\n  \"delay\": 24\r\n}"
        "url": {
          "raw": "https://cx.surveymonkey.com/api/v1/surveys/${fromSurvey}/replies",
          "protocol": "https",
          "host": ["cx", "surveymonkey", "com"],
          "path": ["api", "v1", "surveys", "${fromSurvey}", "replies"]
      "response": []

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Updating all sub modules in a git project

This command will find all the submodules in your current git projects and pull down changes from master for each submodule.

git submodule -q foreach git pull -q origin master

Once you pull down changes make sure you push the changes back to your project to see the changes.

What is this actually doing?

git submodule basically gets all the submodules in your project

-q means quiet which means it doesn’t output the name of the submodule as it loops through them. This parameter is not required.

foreach um, it loops through each submodule

git pull -q origin master this pulls down the changes from master on the submodule and doesn’t output the changes. Again, the -q is not required, but will reduce the conole output.

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Bash loop through folders recursively and lower case files

This script will loop through all files and folders recursively and make them lower case. Please do not just blindly run this against your intended directory. The echo is there for testing and once you know that works then use the mv command

You can perform any command you’d like after the tr. In my case it’s replace all upper case letters with lower case ones.

If you don’t include the if statement, you’ll get a warning message if it tries to rename to the same case, so that keeps the console clean.

find /home/buschm3/bananas -depth -name '*' -print0 |
while IFS= read -r -d '' src; do
    dst=`dirname "${src}"`/`basename "${src}" | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
    echo "$src"
    echo "$dst"
    if [ "${src}" != "${dst}" ]
        #mv "$src" "$dst"

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Current request is not of type HttpServletRequest

Ran into this error this week

There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500). Current request is not of type [org.apache.catalina.servlet4preview.http.HttpServletRequest]: ServletWebRequest: uri=/my/url/

Make sure you imported the correct HttpServletRequest import. I wanted import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

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